Back in ancient history (before Google) selling was so much easier
In those days, that's pre 1998, consumers relied heavily on sales-people and marketing materials to research products before making a buying decision.
Maybe it's a 'rose-tinted' view but people seemed less cynical, and more trusting back then.
Fast forward 25 years or so and the changes have been remarkable.
Selling is harder, much harder, thanks largely to the erosion of trust in society.
Building trust with your customers and potential customers has never been more important, because in an age of mistrust, the sales techniques you used to rely on, don't work anymore.
Disinformation, media manipulation, fake news, filtered, photoshopped images and even deep-fake videos have made us less trusting of what we see and hear, especially from those who attempt to persuade us to buy.
The Trust based approach to selling eliminates sales pressure and focuses on customer needs.
When the customer feels you have their best interests at heart, they trust you and buy from you.